Sunday, October 20, 2019

My Hela Cosplay Debut at Kontrabida Ball 2019

Despite most of my friends telling me that Valkyrie reminded them of me the most when they saw 'Thor: Ragnarok', my heart has always been with Hela. You see, underneath the alcoholic IDGAF facade that most people see, I am really so much more of a Hela.

Add to that the fact that she was portrayed by Galadriel - the wonderful Cate Blanchett - in the film, plus the fact that she gets to don an awesome headdress that she can simply tame down as she pleases... it was a cosplan just waiting to happen.

I had actually been planning to cosplay Hela for the longest ass time now. However, that cosplan was put on the shelf when both Defenders Iron Fist and Luke Cage came here for AsiaPOP Comicon last year. (Read my blog post on meeting Mike Colter aka Luke Cage here.) I ended up dressing up as Elektra that year to match the 'theme' of the visiting actors. I once again planned to cosplay Hela for comic con this year, but it was sadly cancelled and I thought, "Hey, maybe Hela and I simply weren't meant to be."

But lo and behold! After merely ogling at photos of the Kontrabida Ball last year, I actually got the best email invitation of the year in the form of this year's Kontrabida Ball. With just a few weeks left to prep a Hela cosplay, I took on the challenge (albeit with a lot of worrying about whether I would fit into it when the time comes and whether I would survive a night of drinking with a massive headdress on). Well, the dream has finally become a reality - and yes, I survived a night of drinking with a massive headdress on, in case you were wondering. :p

Naturally, the first order of business when we got to the KonBall was to take photos while the makeup was still fresh, the tummy was still decent, and the mind was still sober:

A massive shoutout and thank you goes out to my pretty friend / on the spot makeup artist / forever plus one Gizelle Caoile (subscribe to her YouTube channel here) for putting up with my indecisions, constantly offering to take photos, dancing like there's no tomorrow, unzipping my costume when I needed to pee, listening to me spazz when I saw Joffrey, hiding me from clowns, and even making pa-cute to the bartenders to give us extra shots when they were already packing up. :p

I'm sad we don't have a proper photo together coz we only took photos of each other. This will have to do:

Thank you also to our unexpected third wheel (yes, you're the third wheel :p) Stephen for keeping us drunk from beginning to end, putting on eye makeup just to be able to join us, and making sure we got home safe and sound. Buti pa tayo may picture.

Words can't really describe how epic the party was, to be honest. It was one of those "you had to be there" nights. Everyone dressed up for the theme. The food and drinks were free-flowing. Burlesque PH put on an amazing show. And people actually danced all night long. I've been to many parties where the booze and the company simply didn't cut it, and this party just proved and showed how close-knit the bonds of the PH cosplay community are. Everyone went to have a blast and they fucking did!

My favorite kontrabida of the night: Joffrey Baratheon.

I was also pleasantly surprised by the amount of new people I met... and not because they wanted to hit on me, challenge me to a game of beer pong, or pick a fight with me; but simply because they wanted to ask about my costume or take a picture of it. It was refreshing!

Of course, the party wasn't perfect, though. Since I'm a coulrophobe (watch a video of me crying while watching the 'It' trailer here), there were far too many clowns at the party for my liking. In fact, I found myself moving around the room every few minutes as clowns came my way, and I even teared up a few times:

Still, it was nothing not wearing my glasses and drinking a lot of booze couldn't fix. In fact, nearing the end of my night, a pretty clown came up to me and asked for a picture, and I held it together long enough to take it without absolutely dying of fear. I did have to go close my eyes and compose myself afterwards, but it's a start.

It turns out alcohol seems to help my coulrophobia a little bit, so maybe I should take a few shots before watching the last season of 'Hunter x Hunter'? :p Maybe I can even survive an actual Halloween night out despite all of the Jokers and Pennywises roaming the city. What do you think? Should I give it a whirl?

What are your Halloween plans this year? Dressing up as anyone / anything cool? And what do you think of my Hela cosplay? Yay or nay? Would love to hear your thoughts! :)

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