Monday, October 21, 2019

'Vagabond' is Constantly Keeping Me at the Edge of My Seat

A couple of months ago, I wrote an article on 6 Original Titles on Netflix that K-Drama Fans Will Love. And while I have already watched some of the titles on that show, this is the only time I felt the absolute need to write a review.

As much as I love K-Dramas, in general, my favorite Korean shows are the ones that involve a lot of action. I have always loved action movies and the like, after all; so this isn't really surprising. Some of my favorite Korean shows include 'W: Two Worlds Apart' (despite its confusing storyline) and 'Healer'. My current obsession? 'Vagabond'.

'Vagabond' is an action spy drama series starring Lee Seung-gi and Bae Suzy. The story revolves around stuntman Cha Dal-geon, who gets involved in a plane crash and ends up discovering a national corruption scandal in the process.

Watch the trailer here:

Honestly, though, the trailer hardly does it any justice. From Episode 1, I have been hooked to the series. Every single episode keeps me at the edge of my seat. I find myself screaming, cursing, and hating that I have to wait a day or a week to watch the next episode. The season hasn't ended yet and I am impatiently waiting for the next episode to show this week, but man. It. Is. So. Good. If you haven't started watching it yet, now is the time to do so.

And this is saying really something, too, coz I don't usually rave about K-Dramas unless I have a crush in an actor in them (hahaha sorry I'm shallow like that sometimes). I don't have a crush on Lee Seung-gi, but his acting really deserves tremendous applause.

I'm not a fan of Bae Suzy, either, or of Shin Sung-rok; but damn, do I love Sung-rok in this! And the action scenes? It'll make you jump up and want to enroll in a martial arts studio stat!

The setting of the show, which is partly set in Morocco, also lends a refreshing take to the K-Drama troupe. Despite considering myself a K-Drama fanatic, I know I have only scratched the K-Drama surface so far in terms of how many K-Dramas I have seen. But scenes in K-Dramas usually just make me want to go to Korea to explore the place. 'Descendants of the Sun' aside, this is the only K-Drama I've seen so far that made me wanna explore a country that isn't Korea.

Another thing that I love about 'Vagabond' is that the love story in it isn't in the forefront of the series. Although it is there, it is only introduced a bit later on, and usually lends a bit of comedy in the series. They add it in so casually, you won't mistake it for a love story. No, this is definitely an action series and I hope they stick to that for the rest of the season. I also hope that the season won't end abruptly in the middle of something important like 'Love Alarm' did.

Most importantly, though, the writing of 'Vagabond' is really well done. They know exactly how to hook you in with each episode and they keep adding new, literally unexpected twists to really make you go "WTF!" If you love action, I guarantee that 'Vagabond' will get you hooked.

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