Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Jacob's in the Sept Ish of Meg Magazine! :D

A couple of months ago, the sexy Gio asked my best friend Jacob if he would grace the pages of Meg Magazine. Well, who would say "no" to that, right? Of course, Jacob brought me with him coz we're connected at the hip like that and, naturally, Raiza was there, too. :)

Here are some behind-the-scenes pictures of the shoot:

I have a special place in my heart for studios.

I also have a special place in my heart for makeup artists.

Of course, I also have a special place in my heart for my best friend. Yihee! #cheese

Technically, I "styled" Jacob for this shoot, but it really wasn't hard to do. I think his smile already does everything for him, anyway, so he could wear a plastic bag and still look fine.

The reason I told him to show up in his leather jacket, though, was because the first time I realized my best friend was good-looking (to other people... Lol.) was when he was wearing that jacket in Podium and two complete strangers went ballistic behind his back. What do you think? :) The people at Meg clearly liked it. It's the shot that made it into the mag! :D

I kinda like Jacob in varsity jackets, too, but he forgot to bring a plain white shirt, so this looks a bit off. Still... it's all in the smile! :p

Interview time!

Okay, to be completely honest, I tried very hard to listen in on this interview to make sure Jacob didn't say anything he wasn't supposed to, but 99.9% of my brain was more focused on this:

Such an addicting game!!! Couldn't help it!!!

After the shoot and the interview, I made everyone wait around a lil while longer just so I could see the sexy Gio. And after about 10 minutes of super quick catching up, Raiza, Jacob and I headed out to eat.

Since Thailand also holds a special place in my heart (you will soon learn that my heart has compartments for all sorts of random things lol), they brought me to Som's Noodle House near Rockwell.

Thai iced tea. My favorite drink in the WORLD. I love it even more than Starbucks. #truth

Since I had been on the lookout for authentic-tasting Thai food ever since I moved here and never found it, I didn't really get my hopes up for anything. One sip of the iced tea, though, and this is what happened to me:

Yeah. I cried. #truestory

That's how good it was.

Anyhoo... don't forget to grab the September issue of Meg Magazine and get inspired by what Jacob has to say in the Q&A section! :) As mentioned earlier, I wasn't listening during the interview, so when I read it, I was in complete awe. Proud best friend right here! Raiza and Melissa are both in the September ish, too! :)

And on that note, special thanks to Raiza for some of the photos. :) And an even bigger thank you to the sexy Gio for getting Jacob the gig. Southern bumming soon, please? :)


  1. Fab shoots!

    Mr J.Kane

  2. OH MY GOD YOU WENT TO SOM'S. I love their Thai milk tea there!!! I used to go there all the time with uhm the ex. Hahaha. It's close to his place kasi :)) But yeah. This is the one near Rockwell right??? :)

    ♥ Megann of Style Surgery

  3. cute post :p I'll buy Meg ^_^

