Wednesday, October 10, 2012 Look: Keep Your Enemies Closer

Me + girls = do not get along. I've tried. I've tried very, very hard. But let's face it: I'm not like most girls. I don't even act like one most of the time. Which is what most girls hate about me: my bro-ness, so to speak. #thisisalsowhyimsingle

So, I was really surprised when I decided to go to a very girly event with zero of my guy friends. But, hey, I love lingerie. And I love the Bench Group, so even clowns wouldn't keep me away from the La Senza event. (Okay, that's a lie. If there were clowns involved, I probably wouldn't have gone.)

Fortunately, I was able to spend it with two girls who actually get me, though: Kat Valdez and Raiza Poquiz, the latter of whom took these outfit shots for me. Thank you so much! :)

black leather shorts from What a Girl Wants

Look at me! Looking all semi-girly. Haha. I actually had an inner debate with myself on whether I should post these shots or not. I'm so not used to seeing myself like this anymore. I used to be super girly last year... and super madrama and whiny. Last-year me would sicken actual-me.

copper STFU ring from Sister's Act
copper mockingjay ring (gift from Ana)
sheer black floral top from Styletrend Co

But seriously: this is probably the first and only time this year that you will catch me wearing *cringe* florals, btw, so savor the moment. :p Fortunately, the print isn't bright and I was able to tone down the girliness with my epic rings and skeleton heels.

epic black skeleton heels from Sophisticat Shoes

By the way, I've been growing out my undercut coz a lot of people are getting one now. I was toying with the idea of shaving my hair off completely or maybe getting a pixie cut. The following photo kind of shows you what I would look like with a pixie cut. Yay or nay? :)

gold angel wing earrings from The Little Things She Needs

Watchu think? :D Haha. My dad would kill me if I cut my hair short, though. Sigh. Oh, the woes of being a daddy's girl!

Wow. I really blabbed a lot in this blog post, huh? My apologies. I'm still on a high from the ice-cream-and-arcading that I did with my fellow geek Gerd today. You should go visit his blog. Coz he's awesome. :)

Leave your blog links, too, please. I need new blogs to stalk and plug! :D


  1. Totally understand. I too, though blogs girly stuffs, ended up having more guy friends than girl friends. I cant seem to understand the not so nice thing about being, well, a woman (the issues, insecurities, lies, blah blahs) guys have simplier life and lesser issues. Haha! But then we are ladies, so we gotta be a lady once in a while!

    Btw your shoes are to die for!

  2. I totally understand. I'm with boys most of the time too. :) Life is simpler that way. :P And I love love love your shoes! :)

  3. great post, you look amazing

    from helen at // @thelovecatsinc

  4. awww you look fab <3 i saw your blog from a friend. Your blog just rocks now i'm following you :)). I am not so girly myself, believe me i could relate. *haha*

    xoxo xoxo
